PTW#2: BlackOut

Blackout was PTW's second major event, and fourth event overall. It was held on Sunday, February 19th 2022, in a multipurpose sports hall in Chorzów. This was the same venue that held their first ever show Revolucja.

For this event, PTW invited several guests from the independent European and American scenes:


Storylines overview


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Cast and crew

Arkadiusz Paterek, Łukasz "Balik" Baliński
English commentary
Dave Bradshaw, Santino
Sędzia Seweryn, Sędzia Matek
Host, ring announcer, GM
Arkadiusz "Pan" Pawłowski


  • The show opens with Pawłowski and Rzeźniczek, interviewed by a journalist. They hype up the show and we get to video packages, while commentary hypes up some more.
  • A countdown on the big screen appears. Bring me The Horizon's "Throne" plays and the owner, Pan Pawłowski, makes his full entrance, complete with high fives to fans and his signature double kneedrop in the middle of the ring. He cuts his usual promo hyping up the crowd for an amazing show tonight.
    Pawłowski announces Santino, who makes his entrance, and then takes his spot as English commentator.
  • The opening match is announced, video package for Jacob Crane v Tristan Archer plays.

Jacob Crane v Tristan Archer

  • Crane, billed from "Central Europe" as he recently renounced his Polish identity, makes his entrance first, followed by Archer. After the bell, they start with a classic lock up and quickly pick up the pace, with Crane going fast-paced with strong style, as opposed to Archer's power oriented style.
  • Heelish antics allow Crane to keep Archer in check, but he eventually makes a come back with a suicide dive, lariat into a forearm and a Falcon Arrow for a near-fall. Crane misses a top rope move, Archer picks him up into piledriver position and delivers his Coup d'Etat to win.
  • Winner: Tristan Archer
    This marks Crane's second and final appearance on major PTW show. He would later appear on a few Underground shows. For Archer, it's his only PTW match to date.

Triple threat match: Fox v Joy v Storm

  • Jonny Storm and Justin Joy make their entrances. A special video package for Axel Fox plays and he gets an extra hyped announcement.
  • Joy is the heel in the match, a lot of bad blood between him and Fox. After some early alliances, the match gets into an "every man for himself" dynamic.
  • The crowd is firmly behind Fox. After a tower powerbomb/superplex spot, all competitors are laid out. Storm hits his finisher on Fox, attempts a pinfall, but down from top rope comes Joy with an elbow drop to Fox (which Storm dodges at the last second). After some scuffle, Joy low-blows Storm and pins Fox for a win.
  • Winner: Justin Joy
    Post-match, Justin Joy beats on Fox some more. Jonny Storm slowly recovers from the low-blow, and finally makes a save. They chase Joy off to ringside. Joy demands his music to be played, but Pawłowski says it's Fox who deserves his theme to be played as the one standing tall.

Nano Lopez v Matt Sydal

  • A teaser video plays, where we see Lopez idolizing Sydal and declaring this is his dream match.
  • Starboy makes his entrance first to a moderate pop.
  • They trade submission moves, armdrags and Lopez clearly can't keep up the pace.
  • The match gets more grounded, Sydal works Nano's leg. They get into back and forth, Sydal wins with Lightning Spiral.
  • Winner: Matt Sydal
    Post-match, both shake hands and hug.
    Trivia: this was Sydal's last match before confirming that he's out of the AEW ring with a dislocated knee. It's possible that the injury occurred here, as Sydal noticeably slowed down in the middle of a match and did not use his signature top rope finisher.

Bad Bones v Axel Tischer (c) - GWF Championship

  • Bad Bones makes his entrance first, wearing sunglasses and bandana, channeling his idol, Randy Savage. Pawłowski calls him "Randy Savage after a year in Poland" which Bones doesn't like.
  • Pawłowski starts to announce the champion, but Bones cuts him off with a shove. The referee separates them and Pawłowski finishes the announcements.
  • Tischer makes his entrance, with a live performance by his theme song's singer Dave Grunewald.
  • The match starts with both wrestlers playing the crowd. They are firmly behind Tischer and Bones gets "Bad Bones sucks" chants.
  • They start with technical wrestling on the ground, trading holds. When both stand up, Bones starts to dominate Tischer with some strikes. Both trade running offense with Tischer getting the upper hand. Axeman goes to the apron, gets back to the ring with a slingshot roll on the top rope and hits Bones with a running cutter.
  • More offense from both, with no man gaining an upper hand. They run the ropes, Bones sets himself up for a backbody drop, but Tischer counters with a kick to the head.
  • Tischer runs at Bones for some high impact offense but he counters with an Orton-esque snap scoopslam. Bones punishes Axeman with strikes, slams and a seated choke.
  • Tischer gets on his feet and starts to break free. Bones runs at him in the corner but the champion dodges. They are both laid out. Both slowly get to their feet and start a standing slugfest sequence, with Tischer getting "yay" and Bones "boo" reaction.
  • Now Tischer is dominant, He makes a combo of offense on Bones and climbs the top rope for a flying superman punch on the now standing Bones. He hits his finisher (a twisting vertical suplex) for a nearfall and "it was 3" chants from the crowd.
  • Bones counters his top rope move into a lungblower and hits a Shadow driver (piledriver) for a pinfall - but Tischer breaks the count with a foot on the rope. "This is awesome" chants are loud now.
  • Bad Bones climbs the rope and hits a flying senton, but Tischer dodges. Bones is in pain, Axel Tischer capitalizes with a powerbomb variation. 1,2,3 and Tischer retains GWF championship.
  • Winner and still GWF champion - Axel Tischer
    Post-match, Tischer celebrates in the ring and leaves slowly as his music plays. Bones is visibly angry about his loss, bullying ringside staff and throwing chairs at Pawłowski in the ring. As Bones makes his leave, Pawłowski jokingly no-sells the situation and takes the show into a break.

Break segment

  • During the break, we have ringside interviews with influencer guests, discussing if wrestling is real or staged and throwing jokes around.
  • Back from the break, Pawłowski welcomes everyone again and announces the next match.

Syriusz Dziedzic & Puncher & Sinister v Paka (Boro, Disco Pablo, Taras)

  • Syriusz Dziedzic (announced as "Future legend of Polish pro wrestling), Dawid "Puncher" Seńko and Sinister make their entrance as a heel team.
  • Paka makes their entrance as a team. Disco Pablo enters the stage to his theme, then Taras joins with his own theme playing. Eventually Boro joins them and they enter together to Boro's theme. They enter the ring while the heels make their leave.
  • Sinister and Taras officially start the match, Taras dominates Sinister and makes a tag to Disco Pablo. Double team move on Sinister. Quick tags in the corner and all three dominate Sinister some more.
  • Pablo sets Sinister up for a fireman's carry move, but he's too close to the other team's corner. Dziedzic capitalizes with a blind tag, enters the ring and saves Sinister. Double team moves on Pablo and Dziedzic continues to pummel him.
  • Pablo makes a hot tag to Boro, Dziedzic tags Sinister back in. The heels get an upperhand on Boro, attacking him at ringside. Taras and Pablo step in to make sure that the heels cannot punish Boro together.
  • Boro and Puncher are in the heel team's corner, they choke Boro while Dziedzic distracts the ref. Boro makes another hot tag and Taras steps in like a house on fire on the now legal Puncher.
  • Chaos ensues, members of both teams join in, Paka hits a simultaneous suplex on each of the opponents. The ring is cleared, Taras hits a cannonball and tags Pablo in. Puncher is the legal man, he hits his signature Wylew (super man punch) on Pablo, but meanwhile Dziedzic tagged back in.
  • While the referee tries to count the pin for Puncher, Dziedzic makes it known he tagged in so the pin is cancelled. He wants to be the one who scores a win for his team. He pins Pablo, but the commotion allowed Pablo to recover for a 2 count.
  • Frustrated, Puncher lays out Dziedzic, Boro hits Dobry Podryw (Olympic slam) on Puncher who falls out of the ring. Legal man Pablo hits Koniec imprezy (Blue Thunder Bomb) on Dziedzic to win a match for Paka.
  • Winners: Paka (Boro, Disco Pablo, Taras)
    Babyface team celebrates, high-fiving ringside staff and fans.
  • Puncher is back in the ring and cuts off Pawłowski before he announces the result. He takes the mic for a short promo. He absolves himself of the loss, blaming his teammates instead. He starts insulting all the VIPs in the audience, claiming they are walking advertisements.
  • One of the influencers, Maciej "Człowiek Warga" Dąbrowski, steps into the ring to confront Puncher. There seems to be a visible misunderstanding with security, as a security staff member first holds Warga back aggressively, but then follows him all the way into the ring.
  • Puncher buries Warga verbally, and he responds by calling Puncher a "third, aborted, Tyburski" (a dig at Tyburski twins, influencers who share physical resemblance with Puncher).
  • Puncher is livid, but Warga continues with cheap insults. They continue trading shots and Puncher extends an offer to Warga - he either leaves or Puncher takes him out of the ring himself. He shows his butt to Puncher who is furious and jumps at Dąbrowski... only to be cut off by security who escort him out of the arena. Dąbrowski hides under the ring apron and only leaves when he's sure Puncher is gone.
  • Pawłowski goes to announcements for the next match.

Marty Scurll v Krampus

  • Marty Scurll makes his trademark entrance, wearing his plague doctor mask and an umbrella. The audience is clearly on his side, some "Villain Section" signs present in the crowd.
  • Krampus makes his entrance, the first in what would become a lengthy relationship with PTW.
  • Referee checks both performers and starts the match. They go back and forth with their offense, the crowd reacts mildly. While Krampus throws Marty around, Villain goes at him with strikes.
  • They continue to fight at rigside, superkick and Marty drags Krampus back in. He works Krampus' left leg with strikes and submission moves.
  • Marty with a figure four leg-lock, Krampus tries to fight through. He rolls and inverts the hold, and now Marty has to grab the rope to break the hold.
  • Krampus attempts a suplex, but he has troubles with his leg. Powerbomb attempt is cut off by Villain with a chop block to the injured leg.
  • They trade more offense, now crowd is 50-50. Scurll with a superplex to Krampus for a 2-count. Scurll grabs the umbrella and goes for Krampus, but ref is quick enough and removes the foreign object. Krampus capitalizes and hits Scurll with his finisher (fireman's carry neckbreaker) for a win.
  • Winner: Krampus

Gabriel Queen w/Taxi Złotówa v Joe Hendry

  • Before the match, we see Gabriel Queen's pre-tape promo, where he talks about himself and his new tag team partner.
  • Queen makes his entrance accompanied by Taxi Złotówa. Złotówa is clad in Wolf group gear (Wolf are the security company handling PTW events) to sell the angle where he tries to bypass his suspension by using any loophole possible.
  • Złotówa cuts a promo, putting over his friendship with Queen. He promises to watch over Queen forever and protect him from "Thierry Henry" (French footballer). Queen corrects him: "it's Joe Hendry". They hug and Złotówa leaves the ring.
  • Pawłowski starts announcing Queen's opponent. Hendry's intro video is his cover of "Sex on Fire". Złotówa and Queen are incensed by the video.
  • Hendry makes his full entrance to his usual theme song.
  • Złotówa gives Gabriel some hype from the apron, the bell rings and Gabriel charges at Hendry, who quickly lifts him up. He runs some with Queen in the air and throws him with a chokeslam of sorts.
  • Hendry with a vertical suplex and fireman's carry. Queen escapes and quickly rolls out of the ring. He slides back to the ring and tries to sneak one on Hendry, but he counters, holds him up and into fireman's carry position and front throw.
  • Queen falls out of the ring and Hendry chases him around. He's back in the ring first and for some reason the referee holds him back, while Złotówa capitalizes with a series of attacks on Hendry at ringside.
  • Hendry finally gets back into the ring, Queen decks him. Now he assumes dominance with some corner moves and a pinfall for 1 count. They brawl some and Złotówa sneaks into the ring. Despite being clearly in referee's vision, he sneaks a chopblock on the unaware Hendry - and the referee no-sells the interference.
  • Złotówa leaves the ring, Queen with a guillotine choke on his opponent. Hendry makes a comeback with some lariats and a cutter, referee checks on Queen in the corner.
  • Złotówa interferes again, laying Hendry out with a low blow. Queen pins but scores only a 2-count. Złotówa attempts to help Queen once again, but miscommunication results in him accidentally pushing Queen into the corner, allowing Hendry to scoop them both up for a fallaway slam. He powerbombs Queen for a 3 count.
  • Winner: Joe Hendry
    Hendry celebrates and leaves the ring, Złotówa comes in to check on Queen. Queen motions for a mic, takes it and screams like a little girl. He blames Złotówa for his loss and crowd joins in with "all your fault" chants. He verbally buries Złotówa and fires him from his position as manager.
    Złotówa is livid and picks him up for a Taxi Driver (Michinoku driver with additional swinging), he hits it, pins Queen and counts to 3... but there was no match going on.
  • Arczi Czajka's music plays and he runs into the ring to get revenge for Złotówa hitting him with Taxi Driver at the previous show (Underground 2).
    Złotówa attempts another Taxi Driver, but Czajka dropkicks him out of the ring. Złotówa is escorted out while Arczi celebrates. Czajka grabs a mic and says he's there because he couldn't miss such a great party. He says he's now taking an Uber to Bydgoszcz - where his current nemesis, Remo, resides. He would not come back from there until his surprise return in Gold Rush Rumble nearly two years later.
  • Pawłowski goes to the introductions for tonight's main event.

Main event: Chris Adonis v Nick Aldis

  • Having made his previous appearance under his WWE ringname Chris Masters (at Revolucja), tonight he enters as Chris Adonis, his indie gimmick.
  • Aldis makes his entrance second, high-fiving the fans and enjoying massive pop.
  • The bell rings, both pose some in the corners to gauge crowd's reactions, Adonis gets strong heel heat.
  • They start off technical, trading locks. Adonis keeps Aldis in a headlock, only releasing the hold a few times to run the ropes for a shoulder block.
  • Missed elbow drop on Aldis who makes a comeback, now taking Adonis on the ground for a headlock of his own. They stand up, Adonis pushes him into the corner and regains the advantage with some corner strikes.
  • They run the ropes, Aldis decks Adonis with a Thesz Press and strikes him some more. Adonis in the corner, corner chop from Aldis, next corner, next chop, Aldis grabs the turnbuckle for a 10-count punch, but Adonis bites him before the 10th one lands.
  • Adonis leaves to take some time out at ringside, referee counts. He takes his time, breaks the count and leaves again. Adonis drags Aldis to ringside and they brawl,
  • Irish whip from Adonis into a steel guardrail. Adonis pushes Aldis into the apron, breaks the count and throws him back in the ring.
  • Double axe handle from the middle rope on Aldis. Adonis punishes Aldis some more with strikes and pushes him onto middle rope, runs the ropes for a seated senton. Pinfall attempt, headlock on seated Aldis who breaks free.
  • Adonis with a backbreaker, working Aldis' back. Adonis takes his time to taunt Santino who's on commentary, and hits a knee into the seated Aldis' back, follows with a submission hold.
  • Aldis breaks the hold and tries to make his comeback, steps back up, runs the rope and is cut off by an elbow from Adonis. He climbs the middle rope once again, but Aldis runs at him with punches.
  • Aldis sets Adonis in position, superplex! They're both back on their feet and trade strikes. Adonis with the upperhand, attempts a Masterlock, but Aldis quickly breaks free.
  • A series of running lariats follows, until Adonis is laid out. Aldis runs at Adonis in the corner, Adonis counters with an elbow, runs at Aldis who counters into a powerslam. Pinfall attempt to no avail, Aldis quickly takes it to the top rope.
  • Before he can move, Adonis dodges and charges at him, Aldis with a jump to his legs. Adonis capitalizes with a spinebuster. Nearfall, frustrated Adonis argues with the ref. He motions for a Polish hammer from the corner and hits it, but the second attempt is countered.
  • Aldis with a fireman's carry and Samoan drop for a 2 count. He's bleeding from his mouth now. Another Samoan drop attempt, now Adonis breaks free and pushes Aldis in the corner, accidentally laying out the referee, who falls out of the ring.
  • Adonis quickly capitalizes with a low-blow, rolls Aldis up for a 3 count, but there is no referee to count. Santino checks on laid out referee Matek, but Adonis shoves him away and pushes the unconscious referee into the ring.
  • Santino is having none of it, he enters the ring and puts on his signature glove, to hit Adonis with the Cobra. Aldis climbs the top rope for a flying elbow and hits it for a 3 count.
  • Winner: Nick Aldis
    Aldis celebrates some in the ring and leaves, high fiving the fans.


  • Pawłowski gets back into the ring, thanks the fans, the titular sponsor and asks the crowd to chant for Kinguin. He continues the usual clapping for each sponsor routine, and when WrestleFans is mentioned, he also thanks Paweł "Boryss" Borkowski (its creator) and teases his future appearance as guest commentator. That promise would materialize multiple times in the future.
  • Pawłowski plugs follow-up shows - a yet unnamed 3rd show, and an Underground show in March and says goodbye to the fans.
  • Camera moves to commentary, who talk some about the show, they say goodbye to the viewers and the transmission ends.
